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Chianti F1 Hybrid Short Day Red Onion

• Great color and mild taste
• High yields
• Moderate Pink Root tolerance

Size/Shape: Large size with a grano shape.

Skin/Flesh: Chianti F1 exhibits an intense dark red skin and very mild taste. This onion’s rings are crisp and wide with great interior color at maturity.

Tolerances: Moderate tolerance to Pink Root.

Features: Chianti F1 is a hybrid, short day red Grano type onion that produces high yields under normal conditions. This red onion’s color moves inside as the bulb matures and the interior is red after curing. This onion variety has a high percentage of single centers. Chianti F1 matures in the Mata Hari class.

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Yuma, AZ

Our main office located in Yuma, Arizona. Contact us for any inquiries that you may have about our premium varieties.

  • For Organic Growers

    Most DP Seeds hybrid varieties have No Organic Equivalent and are available as untreated seeds for many organic programs.

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    DP Seeds is committed to building upon the relationships with our dealers and growers that have helped us become an upcoming full line seeds provider.